Friday, August 31, 2012

It's Been About a Week

Hi Everybody!

Happy Blue Moon! Tonight is the second full moon of the month; how cool is that?! So, it's been about a week. Today is the first day that it's cloudy and cool. It's been sunny with clear blue skies and very hot and humid the rest of the time. I've gotten some of my textbooks, walked to Safeway, etc. I feel that I will really need my car if I'm going to make it anywhere around here. I went to a brief bbq for Founder's Hall and met a few more people, but it wasn't the most productive or social thing I've done. I did meet a few more people, Carolina and Chelsie are very nice. Even if Chelsie spells her name offensively (ha ha!) I can't wait for classes to start! Sooo, enjoy to the full moon tonight! After all, once in a blue moon there is a blue moon!


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