Tuesday, September 4, 2012

A Few Fun Things

Hi Everyone,

I'm still waiting for school to start, but I've done a few interesting things since I last posted. On Sunday evening Rachel's friend Hillary, who lives in Pacifica (just south of San Francisco), her husband Johannes, and their daughter Melanie picked me up and took me out to dinner, which was a lot of fun. We went to a really good German restaurant in Alameda. Johannes is from Germany, so he said that they are always looking for German restaurants to try out. It was really great to get out off campus and see the area, but it was also nice to spend some time with people that I know. Hillary and Johannes are so nice and we had a really great time. In fact, everyone else at the restaurant had a great time being entertained by Melanie, who is 19 months old and super cute.

Everyone had labor day off, of course. Not like I needed a day off, but whatever. The only downside to that was that the sports teams and GA's also had the day off and they were up really late on Sunday night being extremely loud. I bought some wine at the Safeway a few days ago and was going to have some, but the bottle broke. I have a hard tile floor in my dorm room, and even though I didn't drop it, I have learned not to set anything on the floor because it just tipped over and shattered! I mopped up the wine and swept the glass, and even though I have left my window open, my room still reeks of sour grapes. Awesome.

Today, I went down to the bookstore to see if one of my other textbooks has come in yet, and I discovered that they were holding a blood drive. I haven't given blood in awhile so I decided, what the heck, I'll do it. Now I have an awesome red bandage to prove it. I've never had a problem with needles or blood, so I'm usually a little surprised when other people get light-headed or feel sick after donating just because it's never happened to me. One of the people who works on campus was donating blood in the bed thingy across from me and started feeling dizzy so he had to lie back and put a cool rag on his forehead. He told me that I was a champ and asked if I donated blood a lot. I told him that this was only my second time, and he was very surprised. It was quite funny. I ate lunch out in St. Francis courtyard, which was really beautiful. I think I'm going to do that more often!

Hope everyone had a fabulous Labor Day Weekend!


1 comment:

  1. I'm fine donating blood as long as I don't watch the needle go in. Now that my name's on the list, the blood center calls me constantly until I donate. I go every six weeks just to keep them off my back!

    It sounds beautiful where you are. I'm sure I'll be getting more and more jealous of your posts as the weather turns crappy here and you're still basking in the sun!
